海外版 新品未開封シュリンク付き ナノアサルト 3DS
In 4, you use a variety of weapons to attack and eliminate the virus that has entered your body. There are 32 stages in story mode, and you can obtain new weapons and other items by clearing them.
This is the latest installment in the Nanostray series of shooting games developed by overseas developer Shin'en.
The previous two games, Nanostray (Hodai: Danjaku) and Nanostray 2, were orthodox 2D vertical and horizontal scrolling shooters, but this game takes full advantage of the 3DS's stereoscopic vision to create a 3D landscape with an all-direction scrolling shooter, and a 3D shooter that moves deeper and deeper
過去に2作発売された『Nanostray(放題: 弾爵)』『Nanostray 2』はオーソドックスな縦・横スクロールの2Dシューティングでしたが、今作は3DSの立体視を存分に生かした立体的な地形を這う全方位スクロールシューティングと、奥へ奥へ進む3Dシューティングの2
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